
Operational Experts Group


Important information

The Operational Experts Group (OEG)

Within the PSI framework, 20 states form the Operational Experts Group (OEG). The OEG plays an essential role in ensuring the effectiveness of the PSI by:

  • leveraging related counter proliferation efforts;
  • contributing customs, law enforcement, military and other security experts and assets to interdiction exercises;
  • hosting PSI meetings, workshops, and exercises with other PSI-endorsing states; and
  • working with specific partner states to improve their capacity to combat the proliferation of WMDs.

OEG states play a leading role in the initiative and OEG meetings serve as a forum to discuss and develop concepts to further the initiative. The OEG seeks to develop and enhance PSI states’ capabilities by considering a range of questions, from legal matters to rapid-decision making in case of an interdiction.

States in the OEG regularly form working groups to deepen their cooperation in certain areas. OEG partner states meet regularly to enhance the PSI and to improve its efficiency.

OEG states seek to increase the efficiency of the PSI and ensure that it remains an effective multinational tool for halting WMD proliferation, including through efforts to expand endorsement of the PSI Statement of Interdiction Principles.

  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Canada
  4. Chile
  5. Denmark
  6. France
  7. Germany
  8. Greece
  9. Italy
  10. Japan
  11. Republic of Korea
  12. The Netherlands
  13. New Zealand
  14. Norway
  15. Poland
  16. Portugal
  17. Singapore
  18. Spain
  19. Turkey
  20. United Kingdom
  21. United States
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